State of Survival Wiki

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State of Survival Wiki
State of Survival Wiki

War Tree[]

Top Branch Central Branch Bottom Branch
War marchspeed
March Speed (x3):

Increases the march speed of your troops by +1.0%

War infattack
Guns Blazing (x3):

Increases the attack of your infantry by +0.30%

War infleth
Close Combat (x3):

Increases the lethality of your infantry by +0.30%

War infdef
Melee Defense (x3):

Increases the defense of your infantry by +0.30%

War infhealth
Melee Defense (x3):

Increases the defense of your infantry by +0.30%

War marchcap
March Capacity (x3):

Increases the number of troops you can send on each march by +200

War riderattack
Mobile Assault (x3):

Increases the attack of your riders by +0.40%

War riderleth
Charge Strategy (x3):

Increases the lethality of your riders by +0.40%

War riderdef
Rider Defense (x3):

Increases the defense of your riders by +0.40%

War riderhealth
Master Mechanic (x3):

Increases the health of your riders by +0.40%

War urgentcall
Urgent Recall (Active):

Commands all troops to return to your Settlement within 3 seconds. Does not include troops involved in rallies.
[8 hours cooldown]

War huntattack
Precision Strike (x3):

Increases the attack of your hunters by +0.50%

War huntleth
Steady Shot (x3):

Increases the lethality of your hunters by +0.50%

War huntdef
Hunter Defense (x3):

Increases the defense of your hunters by +0.50%

War hunthealth
Hunter Protection (x3):

Increases the health of your hunters by +0.50%

War trainingcap
Training Capacity (x5):

Increases the number of troops you can train at one time by +5

War infattack
Guns Blazing (x5):

Increases the attack of your infantry by +0.60%

War riderattack
Mobile Assault (x5):

Increases the attack of your riders by +0.60%

War huntattack
Precision Strike (x5):

Increases the attack of your hunters by +0.60%

War infdef
Melee Defense (x5):

Increases the defense of your infantry by +0.60%

War riderdef
Rider Defense (x5):

Increases the defense of your riders by +0.60%

War huntdef
Hunter Defense (x5):

Increases the defense of your hunters by +0.60%

War marchcap
March Capacity x5:

Increase the number of troops you can send on each March +300

War infleth
Close Combat x5:

Increase the Lethality of your infantry +0,80%

War riderleth
Charge Strategy x5:

Increase the Lethality of your riders +0,80%

War huntleth
Steady Shot x5:

Increase the Lethality of your hunters +0,80%

War infhealth
Infantry Health x5:

Increase the Health of your infantry +0,80%

War riderhealth
Master Mechanic x5:

Increase the Health of your riders +0,80%

War hunthealth
Hunter Protection x5:

Increase the Health of your hunters +0,80%

War massivemarch
Massive March (Active):

Increase your maximum March Capacity by 10% for 30 minutes.
[12h of cooldown]

War infattack
Guns Blazing x10:

Increase the Attack of your infantry +1,00%

War infleth
Close Combat x10:
Increase the Lethality of your infantry +1,00%

War infdef
Melee Defense x10:

Increase the Defense of your infantry +1,00%

War infhealth
Infantry Health x10:

Increase the Health of your infantry +1,00%

War marchcap
March Capacity x10:

Increase the number of troops you can send on each March +350

War riderattack
Mobile Assault x10:

Increase the Attack of your riders +0,40%

War riderleth
Charge Strategy x10:

Increase the Lethality of your riders +0,40%

War riderdef
Rider Defense x10:

Increase the Defense of your riders +0,40%

War riderhealth
Master Mechanic x10:

Increase the Health of your riders +0,40%

War trainingcap
Training Capacity x10:

Increase the number of troops you can train at one time +8

War huntattack
Precision Strike x10:

Increase the Attack of your hunters +1,20%

War huntleth
Steady Shot x10:

Increase the Lethality of your hunters +1,20%

War huntdef
Hunter Defense x10:

Increase the Defense of your hunters +1,20%

War hunthealth
Hunter Protection x10:

Increase the Health of your hunters +1,20%

War emergencydressing
Emergency Dressing (Active):

Converts 30% of the killed troops to wounded until your hospitals are full. Lasts for 30 minutes.
[24 hours cooldown]

War infattack
Guns Blazing x20:

Increase the Attack of your infantry +1,20%

War riderattack
Mobile Assault x20:

Increase the Attack of your riders +1,20%

War huntattack
Precision Strike x20:

Increase the Attack of your hunters +1,20%

War infdef
Melee Defense x20:

Increase the Defense of your infantry +1,20%

War riderdef
Rider Defense x20:

Increase the Defense of your riders +1,20%

War huntdef
Hunter Defense x20:

Increase the Defense of your hunters +1,20%

War trainingspeed
Training Speed x20:

Increase the speed of training troops +8,00%

War infleth
Close Combat x20:

Increase the Lethality of your infantry +1,20%

War riderleth
Charge Strategy x20:

Increase the Lethality of your riders +1,20%

War huntleth
Steady Shot x20

Increase the Lethality of your hunters +1,20%

War infhealth
Infantry Health x20:

Increase the Health of your infantry +1,20%

War riderhealth
Master Mechanic x20:

Increase the Health of your riders +1,20%

War hunthealth
Hunter Protection x20:

Increase the Health of your hunters +1,20%

Economy Tree[]

Top Branch Central Branch Bottom Branch
Tool Improvement (x3):

Increase your building Construction Speed by +0.50%

Fertilizer Tech (x3):

Increase food production at your Farms by +2.00%

Logging Tech (x3):

Increase Wood production at your Lumberyards by +2.00%

Food Haulage (x3):

Increase your Food Gathering Speed in the Wilderness by +1.20%

Wood Haulage (x3):

Increase your Wood Gathering Speed in the Wilderness by +2.00%

Tech Improvement (x3):

Increase your Research Speed at the Lab by +2.00%

Hospital Capacity (x3):

Increases the Hospital Capacity of your Hospital by +50

Battle Dressing (x3):

Increases the Healing Speed of wounded troops by +8.00%

Instant Collection (Active):

Instant collect 2 hours of production from all your resource buildings.
[12 hours of cooldown]

Sorting Tech (x3):

Increases Metal production at your Furnaces by +4.00%

Tool Improvement (x5):

Increase your building Construction Speed by +1.50%

Fertilizer Tech (x5):

Increase food production at your Farms by +6.00%

Food Haulage (x5):

Increase your Food Gathering Speed in the Wilderness by +5.00%

Logging Tech (x5):

Increase Wood production at your Lumberyards by +6.00%

Wood Haulage (x5):

Increase your Wood Gathering Speed in the Wilderness by +5.00%

Metal Haulage (x5):

Increase your Metal Gathering Speed in the Wilderness by +4.00%

Oil Drums (x5):

Increases Gas production at your Gas Tanks by +6.00%

Hospital Capacity (x5):

Increases the Hospital Capacity of your Hospital by +50

Battle Dressing (x5):

Increases the Healing Speed of wounded troops by +10.00%

Tech Improvement (x5):

Increase your Researc Speed at the Lab by +2.50%

Rapid Developement (Active)

Reduces the time of new Construction or Research task by 20%. Applies to tasks started within a period of 5 minutes.
[24 hours cooldown]

Hospital Capacity (x10):

Increases the Hospital Capacity of your Hospital by +50

Battle Dressing (x10):

Increases the Healing Speed of wounded troops by +12.00%

Tool Improvement (x10):

Increase your building Construction Speed by +2.00%

Fertilizer Tech (x10):

Increase food production at your Farms by +8.00%

Food Haulage(x10):

Increase your Food Gathering Speed in the Wilderness by +6.00%

Logging Tech (x10):

Increase Wood production at your Lumberyards by +8.0%

Wood Haulage (x10):

Increase your Wood Gathering Speed in the Wilderness by +6.00%

Gas Haulage (x10):

Increase your Gas Gathering Speed in the Wilderness by +5.00%

Sorting Tech (x10):

Increases Metal production at your Furnaces by +10.00

Metal Haulage (x10):

Increase your Metal Gathering Speed in the Wilderness by +8.00%

Tech Improvement (x10):

Increase your Research Speed at the Lab by +3.00%

Instant Healing (Active):

Instantly heals 10% of your wounded troops without consuming resources.
[24 hours cooldown]

Hospital Capacity (x20):

Increases the Hospital Capacity of your Hospital by +50

Battle Dressing (x20):

Increases the Healing Speed of wounded troops by +15.00%

Tool Improvement (x20):

Increase your building Construction Speed by +2.50%

Fertilizer Tech (x20):

Increase food production at your Farms by +10.00%

Logging Tech (x20):

Increase Wood production at your Lumberyards by +10.00

Sorting Tech (x20):

Increases Metal production at your Furnaces by +10.00%

Food Haulage (x20):

Increase your Food Gathering Speed in the Wilderness by +8.00%

Wood Haulage (x20):

Increase your Wood Gathering Speed in the Wilderness by +8.00%

Metal Haulage (x20):

Increase your Metal Gathering Speed in the Wilderness by +8.00%

Tech Improvement (x20):

Increase your Researc Speed at the Lab by +3.50%

Oil Drums (x20):

Increases Gas production at your Gas Tanks by +10.00%

Gas Haulage (x20):

Increase your Gas Gathering Speed in the Wilderness by +8.00%
