Event Rules[]
Explore the 5 abandoned buildings to locate valuable supplies and earn them great prizes! Each Exploration requires a specific number of Shovels.
- Each event session may include up to 16 rounds.
- In each round, there are 5 explorable buildings, each of which can be explored up to 5 times (i.e. a collective total of up to 25 times per round).
- Before each round begins, you will be able to select one prize that meets the requirements from the prize pool as the grand prize for the round.
- At the beginning of each round, the grand prize will be randomly placed in one of the 5 buildings. The round will end when the grand prize is found.
- When exploring a building, you may trigger a "Strange Encounter". which allows you to immediately obtain all the remaining Rewards in that building.
Prize Pool[]
Grand prizes differ from State to State. The following chart shows the prizes from Pre-Plasma up to 50+ weeks of State.
Charts Credit to the Guide's Team
Key Notes[]
- You are able to change the selected Grand prize at any time before it is obtained within a round.
- Difficulty and rewards increase with the number of rounds. The higher the round number, the more Shovels needed for a single exploration in that round.
- In a single round, rewards already obtained cannot be found again.
- Rewards are reset at the start of a new round.
- Only 1 Strange Encounter can be triggered per round.
Additional Information
Shovel an item used for digging to explore a building.
Strange Encounter can be triggered per round, once triggered you will get the rewards of the remaining dig chances in a building that you have just explored.
At the end of each event session, unused Shovels are converted into 3 Skin Tickets and cannot be kept for later. The Skin Tickets will be issued via in-game Mail.
You can obtain shovels through the Gingerbread and Explorer's bundles.
Photo and Information are credited to Derp Builder