“ | Grub's up, Bingo! | ” |
Background Story[]
Derek Williams is a herpetologist specializing in Crocodylidae--that's to say,
the man knows a lot about crocs. Even his best friend, Bingo, is a crocodile!
His abhorrence of poachers stems from an experience he had as a teenager.
No one knows quite what he saw, but it's given him a lifelong distaste for animal cruelty.
He also has a powerful sense of justice and treats people kindly,
provided of course that they don't mess with Bingo.
Derek's always talking about settling scores with his uncle, but has never mentioned why.
All that's known is that Derek's deeply ashamed of his uncle's actions...
Hero Skills | |
Explorer Description: Derek fires a large lead bullet, which explodes at the specified area, dealing X AoE damage and stunning the Infected in the range for 2 seconds.
Skill Level Stats Preview: ◆ X = Depends on Hero rank and exp(max=4714.5%)
Military Description: Every 5 rounds deals additional X damage and increases damage taken by target by Y
Skill Level Stats Preview: ◆ X=30/45/60/80/100
◆ Y= Max=25%(lv 5 only)
Explorer Description: Derek's crocodile, Bingo joins the fight and attacks the Infected in melee range, dealing X damage per attack.
Skill Level Stats Preview: ◆ X= depends on hero rank and exp(max=5772.91%)
Military Description: Every round deals X additional damage to the enemy's infantry.
Skill Level Stats Preview: ◆ X= 2/4/6/8/10
Explorer Description: For every Infected Derek kills, increases his Defense by X for 3 seconds, stacking up to 5 times.
Skill Level Stats Preview: ◆ X= depends on hero rank and exp(max=7%)
Military Description: Derek's connection with nature allows him to better protect his teammates and each turn applies a shield that equals X of your Infantry attack to friendly troops.
Skill Level Stats Preview: ◆ X=20/40/60/80/100
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