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Hangar is a closed building structure which serves as protection (from weather and ultraviolet light) is used for maintenance (repair, manufacture, assembly) and storage of aircrafts. In other words it is a building meant to manufacture aircrafts, assemble and upgrade its components while holding and sheltering these aircrafts.

NOTE:To be able to access this new building in the game, you must have HQ Lv.20 and above.


After successfully building the hangar in your settlement, click on the building and two menu button will appear

Other icons displayed outside the hangar building are Aircraft Research reward notification and E-pass notification as seen in the images below respectively.


At the first opening of the hangar, you will receive an overview message with a reward crate containing x6 Titanium Alloy and x6 Carbon Fibre Panels. (These are materials used to upgrade aircrafts components). There after you will be directed by a cursor to upgrade aircrafts components, this covers the short tutorial.
Hangar page

Inside the hangar facility, there are accessible featured areas as labeled in the image above. These includes;

  1. TALENT SWITCH AREA:This area allows you to view, switch and install aircraft talents of your choice required for your battle. Click on the switch icon at the top right corner to access. More about aircraft talents will be discussed below.
  2. COMPONENTS UPGRADE AREA: In this area, you can upgrade all components of the aircrafts which includes lethality of Infantry/Rider/Hunter and Health of Infantry/Rider/Hunter. You can read more details on aircraft components as you proceed further.
  3. EXCHANGE STORE AREA:In this store, you will be able to exchange one item for another. Store refreshes every 7days. Please note; these items in this store are open to adjustments but the replaced items will be available again in future events. To open the store click on the redeem button at the top left of the page.
  1. HANGAR BAY: This is area is meant for launching, landing, repairing and refuelling of aircrafts.
  2. STATS VIEW: here you can view the statistics bonuses of the aircraft. The bonuses includes Talent bonuses and Components bonuses. Click on the notebook icon to view stats.
  3. AIRCRAFT PREVIEW: In here you can view your current star points and levels of your aircrafts. You can also see the different models of aircrafts available in your hangar. Click on the preview icon to open this page.
Aircraft preview

AIRCRAFT-"Stinger Attacker"[]

The aircraft named Stinger Attacker, is a new weapon that has been designed to accompany your troops in the battlefield. The aircraft provides extra firepower and devastating damage to the enemy. Stinger Attacker is of six different models which can be distinguished by their star levels and built. There are 3 elements of the aircrafts they include; Talents, Components and Star Level.

How to Upgrade Aircrafts[]

The major factor that contributes to having a high level of aircraft is the STAR POINTS. Once you reach a certain number of star points, your aircrafts can be upgraded to a new aircraft skin. You can earn star points by upgrading aircraft components (see details below). Star points also helps to unlock the talents of your aircraft. The higher the star level, the better its talent effects. These special talents can be used during rallies or defense.

Upgrading aircraft also provides extra bonuses when challenging the maw in joint exercise event (These extra bonuses are Crit Resistance Rate, Dodge Rate, Hit Rate, Crit Rate and Crit Damage- their percentage rate is greatly influenced by the level of your aircraft).


Note: Switching talents does not affect your star points, it will always remain at its highest current point.

Aircraft Usage[]

Aside the joint exercises, aircrafts can be used in

NOTE: You can only use one Stinger Attacker at a time no matter how many levels of it you have. The star level is only meant to make aircraft stronger and not to stack them.

Once the aircraft is out on a march you can not switch the talents, or use it for another event or rally.

The table below shows different levels of the aircraft, the star points at which they can be obtained and their corresponding enhance talents ratings.

Aircraft Models and Talents[]

Aircraft Model
Star Level
Star Points required to obtain
Enhance Talent Bonuses
Rally Ehancenment:2.5% Tactical Supplies:1.0% Protective Paints:2.0%
Rally Ehancenment:3.25% Tactical Supplies:1.38% Protective Paints:2.75%
Rally Ehancenment:4.0% Tactical Supplies:1.72% Protective Paints:3.50%
Rally Ehancenment:4.74% Tactical Supplies:2.05% Protective Paints:4.25%
Rally Ehancenment:5.50% Tactical Supplies:2.40% Protective Paints:4.65%
Rally Ehancenment:6.24% Tactical Supplies:2.60% Protective Paints:5.0%

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