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Bind Returning Banner


Bind Returning is a part of the survivor recall features. Returning players can now bind their settlement with another player's settlement upon return to a new state. With this, the binded players gets the progress of the survival recall event from the returning player. Both players will team up together and complete the daily binding tasks to get rewards.
Bind Returning event page


Returning players can send invites to players or to State chat. This helps to notify players in the state of the returning player. To do this;

  • Click on the Survivor recall event icon and on it page go to bind returning. A page will open as shown in the image above.
  • Click on the box with the red dot and a page will also appear. In this page you can send invite to players, send invite to State chat and also view binding requests.
Bind Return event page 2

NOTE when you send invite this message is usually seen by players in state chat.

I am back take me with you on your journey to save the world! (Invite returning players to your Alliance for Alliance-wide buffs and rally rewards. Complete binding tasks with returning players to get exclusive rewards
  • To check for bind requests, click on the view binding request button. You will see the list of players who have made request, then you can either accept or decline request.
  • You can also check the request list in private message section of your chat box. At the bottom you will see request list, click on it and you will see the list of players who request to bind. You also get notification of player requests display in your game page.

Players who are willing to bind with returning players can send bind request via;

  • Click on the bind symbol seen on the invite message, or click on the player's profile picture, a page will appear showing you to apply, then click apply for binding.
  • You can also send by clicking on Returning Players Lobby which can be seen at the bottom page of your private message. List of returning players will be shown
  • Click on apply and you either get notification that your application is sent or the player is already bound to another.

NOTE: Only players that have logged into the game for the last 3 CONSECUTIVE DAYS and have reached HQ Level 10 are eligible to bind with returning players.


  • Once binded the player gets the progress of returning player's recall event. The image below will display on the upper corner of the settlement page of the player.

  • Both players will be able to gift each other a Gift Crate also called "Together we stand crate".
  • Both players will also have to complete bind daily tasks and get task rewards.


Both players are to complete the daily tasks and to complete a progress of 100%. Up to 70% of the tasks can be completed by returning player. The task refresh daily at 00:00UTC. There are two chests with rewards in the progression(50% and 100%). Every time you hit the reward chest, a message will be sent to both players to be able to claim chest.

The table bellow shows the bind daily tasks and points obtained

Days Tasks Supply points
1 Collect 20 resources of any type. +1
2 Use 1 minutes of speed up items of any type. +20
3 Kill one infected. +200
4 Collect 20 resources of any types. +1
5 Use 1 minute of speed up items Of any type. +20
6 Kill one infected. +200
7 Collect 20 resources of any type. +1
8 Use 1 minute of speed up items of any type. +20
9 Kill one infected +200


  • Gift Reward:After successful binding, both players can give themselves daily Gift chests also called Together we stand crate. This will be sent to be players as private message where they will be able to click on gift chest and claim the rewards in it.
Honor binding gift crate1

Honor binding gift crate2

  • Task Rewards: Task rewards are of two chests. The first chest is gotten when you get 50% task progress and the other at 100% task progress. Both players also get notified in private message when they hit each progress chests.
Honor binding task reward

Honor binding task reward1

Honor binding task reward2

NOTE: Legendary hero fragments rewards depends on the hero generation of the state.


  • A returning player can unbind from a player, after which it goes into 3hours cooldown period. Thereafter, binding can be possible with another player.

How to unbind: Click on the player's profile in the Honor binding page and it will display a page where you can select unbind.

Honor Unbind
  • After unbind from one player and bind to another, task progression still remains same. The daily tasks will continue with new bound player from where it stopped with old player.
  • A returning player cannot bind with another returning player.
  • There are up to 10 Gift chests and 20 binding chests per month.

A short video clip on how to bind and unbind.

Photos and video credits to "The Derp Builder".

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