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Influencer Trap is a re-occurring alliance event where Chiefs unite together in rallies. The Rallies launch attacks within the given amount of time to kill the trapped influencer. Influencer Trap is available when the state reaches 4 weeks of age.

All Chiefs will get rewards if the Influencer is successfully eliminated. If the Influencer is eliminated before the trap is closed/timer ends, a legion of Infected will be spawned in the trap, which Chiefs can continue to attack to receive additional rewards and solo damage points! Damage rewards will be rewarded according to the damage inflicted by Chief once the Influencer Trap is closed.

The Influencer Trap can be built after the state intel has been unlocked. Every 47 hours, alliances can challenge the Influencer Trap for great rewards.

Rewards such as:

Also you gain Alliance honor which can be spent in the Alliance Store, and for every trap you will gain Alliance Funds for your alliance.

This event can only be launched by the Alliance Leader(R5) or R4 members. It can only be opened once every two days, so it is important for alliances to discuss which time suits the best for all alliance members. Once R5 or R4 have opened the trap, you will have 30 minutes duration to defeat it. If you are new to the alliance you need to wait 48 hours before you can participate in the event.

To Participate in the event, you start your own rally against the Influencer Trap and join other rallies that launched their own rallies against it. You can send upto 6 marches to other players whilst rallying yourself. There is no limit on how many the number of rallies an alliance can have at one time.


Influencer Trap Building NoBG

Only the R5 or R4 in the alliance can build the Influencer Trap. There is two ways you access Alliance Territory built menu. The first way is going into your alliance and then clicking territory. The second way is clicking on the ground in your territory then click the build button. From there you will find the Alliance Territory and under the tab Special you will find the Influencer Trap under Event Buildings.

Note: The Influencer Trap must be built inside the Alliance Territory which are controlled by the Alliance Headquaters or Towers.

Influencer Trap How to build


Influencer Trap build nobg

Note: Influencer Trap takes up 4 spots on the map

In the table below you can see what it cost to build the Influencer Trap for your Alliance. Your Alliance is required to be Lvl 5 before you can build the Influencer Trap building. It is preferable to place Influencer Trap in the heart of the alliance territory, where the majority of the settlements reside.

The strategic Influencer Trap position allows as many chiefs as possible to be in the first and two rows without being obstructed by lakes, mountains, or any other alliance buildings. After selecting a location and placing the Influencer Trap, members of the alliance should send troops to the build as they would do to any other alliance building. The length of time it takes to building is determined on the quantity and tier of troops sent.

Resources cost of building Influencer Trap is shown below.

Resources Amount Needed
Alliancefood 50.0k
Alliancewood 50.0k
Alliancemetal 10.0k
Alliancegas 1.0k

Note: You will not get any resources back when you demolish trap.


The Influencer Trap can be opened two different ways, either manually or automatically. It is important to keep in mind that only R5 and R4 have the ability to open trap. To access the Open menu click the trap building and selecting the button Open. Influencer Trap Open button

Influencer Trap open


Alliance members can donate Energy cells to increase the Troop Attack Buff by up to 25%. To do this you can either select the Donating button when clicking on the Influencer Trap building,Influencer Trap Donate button or go into the Influencer Trap menu inside of the event billboard. Influencer Trap Donatation in event

If the donation is incomplete, the Influencer Trap will still be able to be opened, but the Alliance will not be able to achieve the highest percentage of troop attacks. Energy cells are obtained by killing infected in the wilderness and Infected Intels; these cells may be donated to the trap in return for alliance honour. Alliancesilver Alliancegold

A specific amount of energy cells are required for each level of defence. The amounts required and the attack buff are as follows:

Level to Level Amount Attack Buff
Level 0 to 1 200 0%
Level 1 to 2 300 5%
Level 2 to 3 500 10%
Level 3 to 4 500 20%
Level 4 to 5 500 25%


You can yourself select the difficulty of the Influencer Trap. You can now select between normal mode which contains 8 main levels and expert which contains 6 levels. Each level has its on difficulty (level equivalence).

Normal Mode has: Easy, Common, Difficult, Crazy, Nightmare and Hell.

Expert Mode has: Easy, Easy+, Easy++, Common, Common+, Common++, Difficult, Difficult+, Difficult++, Crazy, Crazy+,Crazy++,Nightmare, Nightmare+, Nightmare++, Hell, Hell+ and Hell++

The damage needed to beat each trap level, as well as the level equivalency, are shown below:

LEVELS & DIFFICULTY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(Deviant Swiper)
18,750 168,750 607,500 1,859,250 5,463,750 10,252,866 16,632,714 26,982,423
(Foul Summoner)
37,500 206,250 697,500 2,250,000 6,094,543 11,113,860 18,029,461 29,248,298
(Depraved Crusher)
56,250 243,750 840,000 2,866,500 6,800,038 12,047,156 19,543,502 31,704,451
(Vile Spreader)
75,000 303,750 1,032,000 3,771,750 7,589,084 13,058,827 21,184,686 34,366,862
(Hideous Guzzler)
93,750 384,750 1,224,000 4,335,750 8,471,573 14,155,455 22,963,690 37,252,851
(Monstrous Summoner)
131,250 465,750 1,548,750 4,899,750 9,458,573 15,344,172 24,892,087 40,381,194

(Deviant Swiper)
10,530,000 25,370,000 62,270,000 165,270,000 430,530,000 973,920,000
(Deviant Swiper)
9,700,000 23,450,000 57,960,000 154,010,000 398,630,000 909,790,000
(Deviant Swiper)
8,430,000 20,460,000 50,900,000 135,420,000 348,240,000 801,860,000
(Foul Summoner)
7,790,000 18,950,000 47,480,000 126,460,000 323,120,000 750,620,000
(Foul Summoner)
9,450,000 23,070,000 58,210,000 155,200,000 394,000,000 923,410,000
(Foul Summoner)
11,680,000 28,620,000 72,720,000 194,100,000 489,600,000 1,157,690,000
(Depraved Crusher)
13,590,000 33,390,000 85,430,000 228,290,000 572,140,000 1,364,880,000
(Depraved Crusher)
14,610,000 36,020,000 92,810,000 248,280,000 618,220,000 1,487,930,000
(Depraved Crusher)
17,120,000 42,340,000 109,850,000 294,210,000 727,880,000 1,767,450,000
(Vile Spreader)
14,920,000 37,020,000 96,720,000 259,330,000 637,450,000 1,561,630,000
(Vile Spreader)
17,590,000 43,800,000 115,210,000 309,260,000 755,310,000 1,866,820,000
(Vile Spreader)
14,110,000 35,250,000 93,370,000 250,910,000 608,870,000 1,518,250,000
(Hideous Guzzler)
15,690,000 39,330,000 104,900,000 282,220,000 680,430,000 1,711,780,000
(Hideous Guzzler)
13,020,000 32,740,000 87,940,000 236,870,000 567,410,000 1,440,150,000
(Hideous Guzzler)
14,710,000 37,120,000 100,410,000 270,740,000 644,390,000 1,650,070,000
(Monstrous Summoner)
12,440,000 31,490,000 85,750,000 231,480,000 547,410,000 1,414,210,000
(Monstrous Summoner)
12,870,000 32,680,000 89,630,000 242,220,000 569,110,000 1,483,340,000
(Monstrous Summoner)
13,580,000 34,590,000 95,520,000 258,440,000 603,320,000 1,586,480,000


There are two options for Influencer Trap, you can either choose to open an easy level to a difficult trap level. Both these have their advantages and disadvantages. Below you can find some of the advantages and disadvantages of both options.

Note: Alliance R5 and R4 should ensure there are enough members online to defeat the level of their choosing. Also members are expecting be reminded of trap time in advance.

EASY MODE: Level 1 (Difficulty 1-6)
Advantages Disadvantages
Damage required to complete this level is easier The alliance will not be able to unlock new levels.
Low and mid-level players will have a better chance to win better rewards.
Therefore this may help them achieve upgrades at a faster rate.
Low-level traps offer less kill rewards,
reducing the number of rewards for the alliance members.
Stronger players may become bored.

Advantages Disadvantages
Offers more kill rewards. Low to mid-level player may get less rewards.
The alliance will be able to unlock new levels.
This may give a sense of accomplishment,
and players may be less bored.
The damage needed to complete the levels is harder,
and more members and stronger members are needed
to participate in trap.
The ability to obtain free Hero Gear upgrades
may be harder for some players.

Damage and Kill Rewards[]

Influencer Trap offers two types of rewards: Damage Rewards and Kill Rewards. This reward is determined by the level of the trap, the amount of damage done, and whether the alliance successfully defeats the trap.

Note: The Rewards may be slightly different depending on what state you are in.

Alliance honor
Difficulty 1
Easy (Lvl 1) Deviant Swiper 4 4,500 4,500
Common (Lvl 2) Foul Summoner 4 4,800 4,800
Difficult (Lvl 3) Depraved Crusher 4 5,100 5,100
Crazy (Lvl 4) Vile Spreader 4 5,400 5,400
Nightmare (Lvl 5) Hideous Guzzler 4 5,700 5,700
Hell (Lvl 6) Monstrous Summoner 4 6,000 6,000
Difficulty 2
Easy (Lvl 7) Deviant Swiper 5 6,300 6,300
Common (Lvl 8) Foul Summoner 5 6,600 6,600
Difficult (Lvl 9) Depraved Crusher 5 6,900 6,900
Crazy (Lvl 10) Vile Spreader 5 7,200 7,200
Nightmare (Lvl 11) Hideous Guzzler 5 7,500 7,500
Hell (Lvl 12) Monstrous Summoner 5 7,800 7,800
Difficulty 3
Easy (Lvl 13) Deviant Swiper 6 8,100 8,100
Common (Lvl 14) Foul Summoner 6 8,400 8,400
Difficult (Lvl 15) Depraved Crusher 6 8,700 8,700
Crazy (Lvl 16) Vile Spreader 6 9,000 9,000
Nightmare (Lvl 17) Hideous Guzzler 6 9,300 9,300
Hell (Lvl 18) Monstrous Summoner 6 9,600 9,600
Difficulty 4
Easy (Lvl 19) Deviant Swiper 7 9,900 9,900
Common (Lvl 20) Foul Summoner 7 10,200 10,200
Difficult (Lvl 21) Depraved Crusher 7 10,500 10,500
Crazy (Lvl 22) Vile Spreader 7 10,800 10,800
Nightmare (Lvl 23) Hideous Guzzler 7 11,100 11,100
Hell (Lvl 24) Monstrous Summoner 7 11,400 11,400

Alliance honor
Difficulty 5
Easy (Lvl 25) Deviant Swiper 8 11,700 11,700
Common (Lvl 26) Foul Summoner 8 12,000 12,000
Difficult (Lvl 27) Depraved Crusher 8 12,300 12,300
Crazy (Lvl 28) Vile Spreader 8 12,600 12,600
Nightmare (Lvl 29) Hideous Guzzler 8 12,900 12,900
Hell (Lvl 30) Monstrous Summoner 8 13,200 13,200
Difficulty 6
Easy (Lvl 31) Deviant Swiper 9 13,500 13,500
Common (Lvl 32) Foul Summoner 9 13,800 13,800
Difficult (Lvl 33) Depraved Crusher 9 14,100 14,100
Crazy (Lvl 34) Vile Spreader 9 14,400 14,400
Nightmare (Lvl 35) Hideous Guzzler 9 14,700 14,700
Hell (Lvl 36) Monstrous Summoner 9 15,000 15,000
Difficulty 7
Easy (Lvl 37) Deviant Swiper 10 15,300 15,300
Common (Lvl 38) Foul Summoner 10 15,600 15,600
Difficult (Lvl 39) Depraved Crusher 10 15,900 15,900
Crazy (Lvl 40) Vile Spreader 10 16,200 16,200
Nightmare (Lvl 41) Hideous Guzzler 10 16,500 16,500
Hell (Lvl 42) Monstrous Summoner 10 16,800 16,800
Difficulty 8
Easy (Lvl 43) Deviant Swiper 11 17,100 17,100
Common (Lvl 44) Foul Summoner 11 17,400 17,400
Difficult (Lvl 45) Depraved Crusher 11 17,700 17,700
Crazy (Lvl 46) Vile Spreader 11 18,000 18,000
Nightmare (Lvl 47) Hideous Guzzler 11 18,300 18,300
Hell (Lvl 48) Monstrous Summoner 11 18,600 18,600

Item commandManual
Alliance honor
Easy (Lvl 1) Deviant Swiper 10 18,800 18,800
Easy+ (Lvl 2) Deviant Swiper 11 19,400 19,400
Easy++ (Lvl 3) Deviant Swiper 11 20,000 20,000
Common (Lvl 4) Foul Summoner 11 20,600 20,600
Common+ (Lvl 5) Foul Summoner 12 21,200 21,200
Common++ (Lvl 6) Foul Summoner 12 21,800 21,800
Difficult (Lvl 7) Depraved Crusher 12 22,400 22,400
Difficult+ (Lvl 8) Depraved Crusher 13 23,000 23,000
Difficult++ (Lvl 9) Depraved Crusher 13 23,500 23,500
Crazy (Lvl 10) Vile Spreader 13 24,100 24,100
Crazy+ (Lvl 11) Vile Spreader 14 24,700 24,700
Crazy++ (Lvl 12) Vile Spreader 14 25,300 25,300
Nightmare (Lvl 13) Hideous Guzzler 14 25,900 25,900
Nightmare+ (Lvl 14) Hideous Guzzler 15 26,500 26,500
Nightmare++ (Lvl 15) Hideous Guzzler 15 27,100 27,100
Hell (Lvl 16) Monstrous Summoner 15 27,700 27,700
Hell+ (Lvl 17) Monstrous Summoner 16 28,300 28,300
Hell++ (Lvl 18) Monstrous Summoner 16 28,900 28,900

Item commandManual
Alliance honor
Easy (Lvl 1) Deviant Swiper 12 21,000 21,000
Easy+ (Lvl 2) Deviant Swiper 12 21,600 21,600
Easy++ (Lvl 3) Deviant Swiper 12 22,200 22,200
Common (Lvl 4) Foul Summoner 13 22,800 22,800
Common+ (Lvl 5) Foul Summoner 13 23,400 23,400
Common++ (Lvl 6) Foul Summoner 13 24,000 24,000
Difficult (Lvl 7) Depraved Crusher 14 24,600 24,600
Difficult+ (Lvl 8) Depraved Crusher 14 25,200 25,200
Difficult++ (Lvl 9) Depraved Crusher 14 25,800 25,800
Crazy (Lvl 10) Vile Spreader 15 26,400 26,400
Crazy+ (Lvl 11) Vile Spreader 15 27,000 27,000
Crazy++ (Lvl 12) Vile Spreader 15 27,600 27,600
Nightmare (Lvl 13) Hideous Guzzler 16 28,200 28,200
Nightmare+ (Lvl 14) Hideous Guzzler 16 28,800 28,800
Nightmare++ (Lvl 15) Hideous Guzzler 16 29,400 29,400
Hell (Lvl 16) Monstrous Summoner 17 30,000 30,000
Hell+ (Lvl 17) Monstrous Summoner 17 30,600 30,600
Hell++ (Lvl 18) Monstrous Summoner 17 31,200 31,200

Item commandManual
Alliance honor
Easy (Lvl 1) Deviant Swiper 16 23,200 23,200
Easy+ (Lvl 2) Deviant Swiper 17 23,800 23,800
Easy++ (Lvl 3) Deviant Swiper 17 24,400 24,400
Common (Lvl 4) Foul Summoner 17 25,000 25,000
Common+ (Lvl 5) Foul Summoner 18 25,600 25,600
Common++ (Lvl 6) Foul Summoner 18 26,300 26,300
Difficult (Lvl 7) Depraved Crusher 19 26,900 26,900
Difficult+ (Lvl 8) Depraved Crusher 19 27,500 27,500
Difficult++ (Lvl 9) Depraved Crusher 20 28,100 28,100
Crazy (Lvl 10) Vile Spreader 20 28,700 28,700
Crazy+ (Lvl 11) Vile Spreader 20 29,400 29,400
Crazy++ (Lvl 12) Vile Spreader 21 30,000 30,000
Nightmare (Lvl 13) Hideous Guzzler 21 30,600 30,600
Nightmare+ (Lvl 14) Hideous Guzzler 22 31,200 31,200
Nightmare++ (Lvl 15) Hideous Guzzler 22 31,800 31,800
Hell (Lvl 16) Monstrous Summoner 23 32,500 32,500
Hell+ (Lvl 17) Monstrous Summoner 23 33,100 33,100
Hell++ (Lvl 18) Monstrous Summoner 23 33,700 33,700

60 (2)
Alliance honor
Easy (Lvl 1) Deviant Swiper 14 25,600 25,600
Easy+ (Lvl 2) Deviant Swiper 15 26,200 26,200
Easy++ (Lvl 3) Deviant Swiper 15 26,800 26,800
Common (Lvl 4) Foul Summoner 15 27,400 27,400
Common+ (Lvl 5) Foul Summoner 16 28,100 28,100
Common++ (Lvl 6) Foul Summoner 16 28,700 28,700
Difficult (Lvl 7) Depraved Crusher 16 29,300 29,300
Difficult+ (Lvl 8) Depraved Crusher 17 29,900 29,900
Difficult++ (Lvl 9) Depraved Crusher 17 30,500 30,500
Crazy (Lvl 10) Vile Spreader 17 31,200 31,200
Crazy+ (Lvl 11) Vile Spreader 18 31,800 31,800
Crazy++ (Lvl 12) Vile Spreader 18 32,400 32,400
Nightmare (Lvl 13) Hideous Guzzler 18 33,000 33,000
Nightmare+ (Lvl 14) Hideous Guzzler 19 33,700 33,700
Nightmare++ (Lvl 15) Hideous Guzzler 19 34,300 34,300
Hell (Lvl 16) Monstrous Summoner 19 34,900 34,900
Hell+ (Lvl 17) Monstrous Summoner 20 35,500 35,500
Hell++ (Lvl 18) Monstrous Summoner 20 36,100 36,100

Trap Disarming Kit NoBG
Alliance honor
Easy (Lvl 1) Deviant Swiper 16 27,900 27,900
Easy+ (Lvl 2) Deviant Swiper 16 28,500 28,500
Easy++ (Lvl 3) Deviant Swiper 16 29,100 29,100
Common (Lvl 4) Foul Summoner 17 29,700 29,700
Common+ (Lvl 5) Foul Summoner 17 30,300 30,300
Common++ (Lvl 6) Foul Summoner 17 31,000 31,000
Difficult (Lvl 7) Depraved Crusher 18 31,600 31,600
Difficult+ (Lvl 8) Depraved Crusher 18 32,200 32,200
Difficult++ (Lvl 9) Depraved Crusher 18 32,800 32,800
Crazy (Lvl 10) Vile Spreader 19 33,400 33,400
Crazy+ (Lvl 11) Vile Spreader 19 34,000 34,000
Crazy++ (Lvl 12) Vile Spreader 19 34,600 34,600
Nightmare (Lvl 13) Hideous Guzzler 20 35,200 35,200
Nightmare+ (Lvl 14) Hideous Guzzler 20 35,800 35,800
Nightmare++ (Lvl 15) Hideous Guzzler 20 36,400 36,400
Hell (Lvl 16) Monstrous Summoner 21 37,000 37,000
Hell+ (Lvl 17) Monstrous Summoner 21 37,600 37,600
Hell++ (Lvl 18) Monstrous Summoner 21 38,200 38,200

Superalloy - no BG
Alliance honor
Easy (Lvl 1) Deviant Swiper 166 29,900 29,900
Easy+ (Lvl 2) Deviant Swiper 170 30,600 30,600
Easy++ (Lvl 3) Deviant Swiper 173 31,200 31,200
Common (Lvl 4) Foul Summoner 177 31,800 31,800
Common+ (Lvl 5) Foul Summoner 180 32,400 32,400
Common++ (Lvl 6) Foul Summoner 184 33,100 33,100
Difficult (Lvl 7) Depraved Crusher 187 33,700 33,700
Difficult+ (Lvl 8) Depraved Crusher 191 34,300 34,300
Difficult++ (Lvl 9) Depraved Crusher 194 35,000 35,000
Crazy (Lvl 10) Vile Spreader 198 35,600 35,600
Crazy+ (Lvl 11) Vile Spreader 201 36,200 36,200
Crazy++ (Lvl 12) Vile Spreader 204 36,800 36,800
Nightmare (Lvl 13) Hideous Guzzler 208 37,500 37,500
Nightmare+ (Lvl 14) Hideous Guzzler 212 38,100 38,100
Nightmare++ (Lvl 15) Hideous Guzzler 215 38,700 38,700
Hell (Lvl 16) Monstrous Summoner 218 39,300 39,300
Hell+ (Lvl 17) Monstrous Summoner 222 40,000 40,000
Hell++ (Lvl 18) Monstrous Summoner 226 40,600 40,600

Damage Rewards
Hero gear design
Hero gear parts
Rss icon gas
Metal NoBG
Food NoBG
Wood NoBG
Alliance honor
1 - 2.49 K 50 25,000 99,000 495,500 495,500 1,100
2.50 K -
4.99 K
100 50,000 198,500 991,500 991,500 2,150
5.0 K - 7.99 K 5 100 75,000 297,500 1,487,000 1,487,000 3,250
8.0 K -
11.99 K
5 150 100,000 396,500 1,982,500 1,982,500 4,350
12.0 K -
27.49 K
5 200 125,000 495,500 2,478,500 2,478,500 5,450
27.50 K - 62.49 K 10 300 218,500 867,500 4,337,000 4,337,000 9,500
62.50 K - 144.99 K 15 400 312,500 1,239,000 6,196,000 6,196,000 13,600
145.0 K - 324.99 K 15 500 406,000 1,611,000 8,054,500 8,054,500 17,650
325.0 K - 744.99 K 20 650 499,500 1,982,500 9,913,500 9,913,500 21,750
745.0 K -
1.69 M
25 800 593, 500 2,354,500 11,772,000 11,772,000 25,800
1.70 M -
3.89 M
30 900 687,000 2,726,000 13,631,000 13,631,000 29,900
3.90 M -
8.94 M
35 1,000 781,000 3,098,000 15,489,500 15,489,500 33,950
8.95 M -
20. 49 M
35 1,100 874,500 3,469,500 17,348,500 17,348,500 38,000
20.50 M - 49.99 M 40 1,300 968,500 3,841,500 19,207,000 19,207,000 42,100
47.0 M - 89.99 M 45 1,400 1,062,000 4,213,000 21,066,000 21,066,000 46,150
90.0 M - 147.99 M 55 1,550 1,174,500 4,659,500 23,296,500 23,296,500 51,050
175.0 M - 329.99 M 55 1,700 1,287,000 5,105,500 25,527,000 25,527,000 55,950
330.0 M - 634.99 M 60 1,850 1,399,500 5,551,500 27,757,500 27,757,500 60,850
635.0 M -
1.19 B
65 2,000 1,511,500 5,997,500 29,988,000 29,988,000 65,750
1.20 B -
99.99 B
70 2,150 1,624,000 6,443,500 32,218,500 32,218,500 70,600

Damage Rewards
Hero gear design
Hero gear parts
Rss icon gas
Metal NoBG
Food NoBG
Wood NoBG
Alliance honor
1-554.99 K 19 600 457,000 1,826,000 9,132,000 9,132,000 20,000
555.0 K -
1.10 M
23 700 532,000 2,130,000 10,649,000 10,649,000 23,350
1.11 M -
1.65 M
26 800 612,000 2,446,000 12,231,000 12,231,000 26,800
1.66 M -
2.21 M
28 850 659,000 2,637,000 13,186,000 13,186,000 28,900
2.22 M -
2.76 M
29 900 694,000 2,775,000 13,877,000 13,877,000 30,400
2.77 M -
3.04 M
31 950 721,000 2,884,000 14,421,000 14,421,000 31,600
3.05 M -
3.33 M
31 950 733,000 2,930,000 14,650,000 14,650,000 32,100
3.34 M -
3.66 M
32 950 744,000 2,976,000 14,881,000 14,881,000 32,600
3.67 M -
4.02 M
32 1,000 756,000 3,023,000 15,113,000 15,113,000 33,150
4.03 M -
4.42 M
33 1,000 767,000 3,069,000 15,346,000 15,346,000 33,650
4.43 M -
4.85 M
33 1,000 779,000 3,116,000 15,580,000 15,580,000 34,150
4.86 M -
5.32 M
34 1,050 791,000 3,163,000 15,815,000 15,815,000 34,650
5.33 M -
5.85 M
34 1,050 803,000 3,210,000 16,052,000 16,052,000 35,200
5.86 M -
6.42 M
35 1,050 814,000 3,258,000 16,289,000 16,289,000 35,700
6.43 M -
7.05 M
35 1,100 826,000 3,306,000 16,528,000 16,528,000 36,250
7.06 M -
7.74 M
36 1,100 838,000 3,354,000 16,768,000 16,768,000 36,750
7.75 M -
8.50 M
36 1,100 850,000 3,402,000 17,009,000 17,009,000 37,300
8.51 M -
9.33 M
37 1,150 863,000 3,450,000 17,252,000 17,252,000 37,800
9.34 M - 10.29 M 37 1,150 875,000 3,499,000 17,495,000 17,495,000 38,350
10.30 M - 11.29 M 38 1,150 887,000 3,548,000 17,740,000 17,740,000 38,900
11.30 M - 12.39 M 38 1,200 899,000 3,597,000 17,986,000 17,986,000 39,400
12.40 M - 13.59 M 39 1,200 912,000 3,647,000 18,233,000 18,233,000 39,950
13.60 M - 14.89 M 39 1,200 924,000 3,696,000 18,481,000 18,481,000 40,500
14.90 M - 16.39 M 40 1,250 937,000 3,746,000 18,730,000 18,730,000 41,050
16.40 M - 17.99 M 40 1,250 949,000 3,796,000 18,981,000 18,981,000 41,600
18.0 M - 19.69 M 41 1,250 962,000 3,846,000 19,232,000 19,232,000 42,150
19.70 M - 21.59 M 42 1,300 974,000 3,897,000 19,485,000 19,485,000 42,700
21.60 M - 23.79 M 42 1,300 987,000 3,948,000 19,739,000 19,739,000 43,250
23.80 M - 26.09 M 43 1,300 1,000,000 3,999,000 19,994,000 19,994,000 43,850
26.10 M - 28.59 M 43 1,350 1,013,000 4,050,000 20,251,000 20,251,000 44,400
28.60 M - 31.39 M 44 1,350 1,025,000 4,102,000 20,508,000 20,508,000 44,950
31.40 M - 34.49 M 44 1,350 1,038,000 4,153,000 20,767,000 20,767,000 45,500
34.50 M - 37.89 M 45 1,400 1,051,000 4,205,000 21,027,000 21,027,000 46,100
37.90 M - 41.59 M 46 1,400 1,046,000 4,258,000 21,288,000 21,288,000 46,650
41.60 M - 45.69 M 46 1,400 1,077,000 4,310,000 21,550,000 21,550,000 47,250
45.70 M - 50.19 M 47 1,450 1,091,000 4,363,000 21,813,000 21,813,000 47,800
50.20 M - 55.09 M 47 1,450 1,104,000 4,416,000 22,078,000 22,078,000 48,400
55.10 M - 60.49 M 48 1,500 1,117,000 4,469,000 22,343,000 22,343,000 48,950
60.50 M - 66.39 M 48 1,500 1,131,000 4,522,000 22,610,000 22,610,000 49,550
66.40 M - 999.99 B 49 1,500 1,144,000 4,576,000 22,878,000 22,878,000 50,150

Damage Rewards
Hero gear design
Hero gear parts
Rss icon gas
Metal NoBG
Food NoBG
Wood NoBG
Alliance honor
1 - 1.29 M 23 700 550,000 2,199,000 10,996,000 10,996,000 24,100
1.30 M -
2.58 M
27 800 630,000 2,518,000 12,592,000 12,592,000 27,600
2.59 M -
3.88 M
30 950 713,000 2,851,000 14,253,000 14,253,000 31,250
3.89 M -
5.17 M
32 1,000 763,000 3,051,000 15,254,000 15,254,000 33,450
5.18 M -
6.47 M
34 1,050 799,000 3,196,000 15,978,000 15,978,000 35,000
6.48 M -
7.10 M
35 1,100 827,000 3,309,000 16,547,000 16,547,000 36,250
7.11 M -
7.79 M
36 1,100 839,000 3,357,000 16,786,000 16,786,000 36,800
7.80 M -
8.55 M
36 1,100 851,000 3,405,000 17,027,000 17,027,000 37,300
8.56 M -
9.39 M
37 1,150 863,000 3,454,000 17,269,000 17,269,000 37,850
9.40 M - 10.29 M 37 1,150 876,000 3,502,000 17,512,000 17,512,000 38,400
10.30 M - 11.29 M 38 1,150 888,000 3,551,000 17,756,000 17,756,000 38,900
11.30 M - 12.39 M 38 1,200 900,000 3,600,000 18,001,000 18,001,000 39,450
12.40 M - 13.59 M 39 1,200 912,000 3,649,000 18,247,000 18,247,000 40,000
13.60 M - 14.99 M 39 1,200 925,000 3,699,000 18,495,000 18,495,000 40,550
15.0 M - 16.39 M 40 1,250 937,000 3,749,000 18,744,000 18,744,000 41,1000
16.40 M - 17.99 M 40 1,250 950,000 3,799,000 18,993,000 18,993,000 41,650
18.0 M - 19.79 M 41 1,250 962,000 3,849,000 19,245,000 19,245,000 42,200
19.80 M - 21.69 M 42 1,300 975,000 3,899,000 19,497,000 19,497,000 42,750
21.70 M - 23.89 M 42 1,300 988,000 3,950,000 19,750,000 19,750,000 43,300
23.90 M - 26.19 M 43 1,300 1,000,000 4,001,000 20,005,000 20,005,000 43,850
26.20 M - 28.69 M 43 1,350 1,013,000 4,052,000 20,260,000 20,260,000 44,400
28.70 M - 31.49 M 44 1,350 1,026,000 4,103,000 20,517,000 20,517,000 44,950
31.50 M - 34.59 M 44 1,350 1,039,000 4,155,000 20,775,000 20,775,000 45,550
34.60 M - 37.99 M 45 1,400 1,052,000 4,207,000 21,034,000 21,034,000 46,100
38.0 M - 41.69 M 46 1,400 1,065,000 4,259,000 21,295,000 21,295,000 46,700
41.70 M - 45.79 M 46 1,400 1,078,000 4,311,000 21,556,000 21,556,000 47,250
45.80 M - 50.19 M 47 1,450 1,091,000 4,364,000 21,819,000 21,819,000 47,800
50.20 M - 55.19 M 47 1,450 1,104,000 4,417,000 22,083,000 22,083,000 48,400
55.20 M - 60.49 M 48 1,500 1,117,000 4,470,000 22,348,000 22,348,000 49,000
60.50 M - 66.39 M 48 1,500 1,131,000 4,523,000 22,614,000 22,614,000 49,550
66.40 M - 72.89 M 49 1,500 1,144,000 4,576,000 22,881,000 22,881,000 50,150
72.90 M - 79.99 M 50 1,550 1,157,000 4,630,000 23,150,000 23,150,000 50,750
80.0 M - 87.89 M 50 1,550 1,171,000 4,684,000 23,419,000 23,419,000 51,350
87.90 M - 96.39 M 51 1,550 1,185,000 4,738,000 23,690,000 23,690,000 51,900
96.40 M - 105.99 M 51 1,600 1,198,000 4,792,000 23,962,000 23,962,000 52,500
106.0 M - 115.99 M 52 1,600 1,212,000 4,847,000 24,235,000 24,235,000 53,100
116.0 M - 127.99 M 53 1,600 1,225,000 4,902,000 24,509,000 24,509,000 53,700
128.0 M - 139.99 M 53 1,650 1,239,000 4,957,000 24,785,000 24,785,000 54,300
140.0 M - 153.99 M 54 1,650 1,253,000 5,012,000 25,061,000 25,061,000 54,950
154.0 M - 999.99 B 55 1,700 1,267,000 5,068,000 25,339,000 25,339,000 55,550

Damage Rewards
Hero gear design
Hero gear parts
Rss icon gas
Metal NoBG
Food NoBG
Wood NoBG
Alliance honor
1-.06 M 27 850 650,000 2,598,000 12,990,000 12,990,000 28,500
3.07 M -
6.12 M
31 950 733,000 2,933,000 14,666,000 14,666,000 32,150
6.13 M -
9.19 M
35 1,100 820,000 3,281,000 16,407,000 16,407,000 35,950
9.20 M - 12.29 M 37 1,150 873,000 3,491,000 17,455,000 17,455,000 38,250
12.30 M - 15.29 M 39 1,200 911,000 3,642,000 18,212,000 18,212,000 39,900
15.30 M - 16.89 M 40 1,250 940,000 3,761,000 18,806,000 18,806,000 41,200
16.90 M - 18.49 M 41 1,250 953,000 3,812,000 19,061,000 19,061,000 41,800
18.50 M - 20.39 M 41 1,250 966,000 3,863,000 19,316,000 19,316,000 42,350
20.40 M- 22.39 M 42 1,300 979,000 3,915,000 19,573,000 19,573,000 42,900
22.40 M - 24.59 M 42 1,300 992,000 3,966,000 19,831,000 19,831,000 43,450
24.60 M - 27.09 M 43 1,300 1,005,000 4,018,000 20,090,000 20,090,000 44,050
27.10 M - 29.69 M 43 1,350 1,018,000 4,070,000 20,350,000 20,350,000 44,600
29.70 M - 32.69 M 44 1,350 1,031,000 4,122,000 20,612,000 20,612,000 45,200
32.70 M - 35.89 M 45 1,400 1,044,000 4,175,000 20,875,000 20,875,000 45,750
35.90 M - 39.49 M 45 1,400 1,057,000 4,228,000 21,138,000 21,138,000 46,350
39.50 M - 43.39 M 46 1,400 1,070,000 4,281,000 21,404,000 21,404,000 46,900
43.40 M - 47.69 M 46 1,450 1,083,000 4,334,000 21,670,000 21,670,000 47,500
47.70 M - 52.49 M 47 1,450 1,097,000 4,387,000 21,937,000 21,937,000 48,100
52.50 M - 57.69 M 48 1,450 1,110,000 4,441,000 22,206,000 22,206,000 48,650
57.70 M - 63.39 M 48 1,500 1,124,000 4,495,000 22,476,000 22,476,000 49,250
63.40 M - 69.69 M 49 1,500 1,137,000 4,549,000 22,747,000 22,747,000 49,850
69.70 M - 76.59 M 49 1,500 1,151,000 4,604,000 23,019,000 23,019,000 50,450
76.60 M - 84.19 M 50 1,550 1,165,000 4,659,000 23,293,000 23,293,000 51,050
84.20 M - 92.59 M 51 1,550 1,178,000 4,714,000 23,568,000 23,568,000 51,650
92.60 M - 101.99 M 51 1,600 1,192,000 4,769,000 23,844,000 23,844,000 52,250
102.0 M - 111.99 M 52 1,600 1,206,000 4,824,000 24,121,000 24,121,000 52,850
112.0 M - 122.99 M 52 1,600 1,220,000 4,880,000 24,399,000 24,399,000 53,500
123.0 M - 134.99 M 53 1,650 1,234,000 4,936,000 24,679,000 24,679,000 54,100
135.0 M - 148.99 M 54 1,650 1,248,000 4,992,000 24,959,000 24,959,000 54,700
149.0 M - 162.99 M 54 1,650 1,262,000 5,048,000 25,241,000 25,241,000 55,300
163.0 M - 179.99 M 55 1,700 1,276,000 5,105,000 25,524,000 25,524,000 55,950
180.0 M - 196.99 M 56 1,700 1,290,000 5,162,000 25,809,000 25,809,000 56,550
197.0 M - 216.99 M 56 1.750 1.305.000 5,219,000 26,094,000 26,094,000 57,200
217.0 M - 238.99 M 57 1.750 1.319.000 5,276,000 26,381,000 26,381,000 57,800
239.0 M - 261.99 M 58 1.750 1.333.000 5,334,000 26,669,000 26,669,000 58,450
262.0 M - 287.99 M 58 1.800 1,348,000 5,392,000 26,958,000 26,958,000 59,100
288.0 M - 316.99 M 59 1,800 1,362,000 5,450,000 27,248,000 27,248,000 59,700
317.0 M - 348.99 M 59 1,850 1,377,000 5,508,000 27,540,000 27,540,000 60,350
349.0 M - 382.99 M 60 1,850 1,392,000 5,566,000 27,832,000 27,832,000 61,000
383.0 M - 999.99 B 61 1,850 1,406,000 5,625,000 28,126,000 28,126,000 61,650

Damage Rewards
Biohazard crate single
Trap Disarming Kit NoBG Blue
Rss icon gas
Metal NoBG
Food NoBG
Wood NoBG
Alliance honor
1 - 7.79 M 20 10 763,000 3,052,000 15,262,000 15,262,000 33,450
7.80 M - 15.59 M 22 23 851,000 3,405,000 17,025,000 17,025,000 37,300
15.60 M - 23.39 M 25 36 943,000 3,770,000 18,852,000 18,852,000 41,300
23.40 M - 31.19 M 26 44 998,000 3,990,000 19,950,000 19,950,000 43,750
31.20 M - 38.99 M 27 49 1,037,000 4,149,000 20,743,000 20,743,000 45,450
39.0 M - 42.79 M 28 53 1,068,000 4,273,000 21,366,000 21,366,000 46,850
42.80 M - 46.89 M 29 55 1,081,000 4,325,000 21,627,000 21,627,000 47,400
46.90 M - 51.49 M 29 57 1,094,000 4,378,000 21,889,000 21,889,000 48,000
51.50 M - 56.49 M 29 59 1,108,000 3,431,000 22,153,000 22,153,000 48,550
56.50 M - 61.99 M 30 60 1,121,000 4,483,000 22,417,000 22,417,000 49,150
62.0 M - 67.99 M 30 62 1,134,000 4,537,000 22,683,000 22,683,000 49,700
68.0 M - 74.69 M 30 64 1,147,000 4,590,000 22,950,000 22,950,000 50,300
74.70 M - 81.89 M 31 65 1,161,000 4,644,000 23,218,000 23,218,000 50,900
81.90 M - 89.89 M 31 67 1,174,000 4,697,000 23,487,000 23,487,000 51,500
89.90 M - 98.69 M 31 69 1,188,000 4,751,000 23,757,000 23,757,000 52,050
98.70 M - 107.99 M 32 71 1,201,000 4,806,000 24,029,000 24,029,000 52,650
108.0 M - 118.99 M 32 72 1,215,000 4,860,000 24,302,000 24,302,000 53,250
119.0 M - 129.99 M 33 74 1,229,000 4,915,000 24,575,000 24,575,000 53,850
130.0 M - 142.99 M 33 76 1,243,000 4,970,000 24,850,000 24,850,000 54,450
143.0 M - 156.99 M 33 78 1,256,000 5,025,000 25,126,000 25,126,000 55,050
157.0 M - 171.99 M 34 79 1,270,000 5,081,000 25,404,000 25,404,000 55,700
172.0 M - 188.99 M 34 81 1,284,000 5,136,000 25,682,000 25,682,000 56,300
189.0 M - 206.99 M 34 83 1,298,000 5,192,000 25,962,000 25,962,000 56,900
207.0 M - 227.99 M 35 85 1,312,000 5,248,000 26,242,000 26,242,000 57,500
228.0 M - 249.99 M 35 86 1,326,000 5,305,000 26,524,000 26,524,000 58,150
250.0 M - 273.99 M 36 88 1,340,000 5,361,000 26,807,000 26,807,000 58,750
274.0 M - 300.99 M 36 90 1,355,000 5,418,000 27,092,000 27,092,000 59,400
301.0 M - 329.99 M 36 91 1,369,000 5,475,000 27,377,000 27,377,000 60,000
330.0 M - 361.99 M 37 93 1,383,000 5,533,000 27,664,000 27,664,000 60,650
362.0 M - 396.99 M 37 95 1,398,000 5,590,000 27,951,000 27,951,000 61,250
397.0 M - 435.99 M 38 97 1,412,000 5,648,000 28,240,000 28,240,000 61,900
436.0 M - 478.99 M 38 98 1,427,000 5,706,000 28,530,000 28,530,000 62,550
479.0 M - 524.99 M 38 100 1,441,000 5,64,000 28,821,000 28,821,000 63,150
525.0 M - 575.99 M 39 102 1,456,000 5,823,000 29,113,000 29,113,000 63,800
576.0 M - 631.99 M 39 104 1,470,000 5,881,000 29,407,000 29,407,000 64,450
632.0 M - 693.99 M 40 105 1,485,000 5,940,000 29,701,000 29,701,000 65,100
694.0 M - 760.99 M 40 107 1,500,000 5,999,000 29,997,000 29,997,000 65,750
761.0 M - 834.99 M 40 109 1,515,000 6,059,000 30,294,000 30,294,000 66,400
835.0 M - 916.99 M 41 111 1,530,000 6,118,000 30,592,000 30,592,000 67,050
917.0 M - 999.99 B 41 112 1,545,000 6,178,000 30,891,000 30,891,000 67,700

Damage Rewards
Biohazard crate single
Trap Disarming Kit NoBG Blue
Rss icon gas
Metal NoBG
Food NoBG
Wood NoBG
Alliance honor
1 - 19.39 M 23 27 880,000 3,519,000 17,594,000 17,594,000 38,550
19.40 M - 38.79 M 26 40 972,000 3,888,000 19,442,000 19,442,000 42,600
38.80 M - 58.19 M 28 53 1,068,000 4,271,000 21,353,000 21,353,000 46,800
58.20 M - 77.59 M 30 61 1,125,000 4,500,000 22,501,000 22,501,000 49,300
77.60 M - 96.99 M 31 66 1,166,000 4,666,000 23,329,000 23,329,000 51,150
97.0 M - 105.99 M 32 70 1,199,000 4,796,000 23,979,000 23,979,000 52,550
106.0 M - 114.99 M 32 72 1,212,000 4,847,000 24,235,000 24,235,000 53,100
115.0 M - 125.99 M 32 74 1,225,000 4,898,000 24,491,000 24,491,000 53,700
126.0 M - 136.99 M 33 75 1,237,000 4,950,000 24,749,000 24,749,000 54,250
137.0 M - 149.99 M 33 77 1,250,000 5,002,000 25,008,000 25,008,000 54,800
150.0 M - 163.99 M 34 78 1,263,000 5,054,000 25,268,000 25,268,000 55,400
164.0 M - 178.99 M 34 80 1,276,000 5,106,000 25,528,000 25,528,000 55,950
179.0 M - 194.99 M 34 82 1,290,000 5,158,000 25,790,000 25,790,000 56,550
195.0 M - 212.99 M 35 83 1,303,000 5,211,000 26,053,000 26,053,000 57,100
213.0 M - 231.99 M 35 85 1,316,000 5,263,000 26,317,000 26,317,000 57,700
232.0 M - 252.99 M 35 87 1,329,000 5,316,000 26,581,000 26,581,000 58,250
253.0 M - 275.99 M 36 88 1,342,000 5,369,000 26,847,000 26,847,000 58,850
276.0 M - 300.99 M 36 90 1,356,000 5,423,000 27,114,000 27,114,000 59,450
301.0 M - 328.99 M 36 92 1,369,000 5,476,000 27,382,000 27,382,000 60,000
329.0 M - 358.99 M 37 93 1,383,000 5,530,000 27,651,000 27,651,000 60,600
359.0 M - 390.99 M 37 95 1,396,000 5,584,000 27,921,000 27,921,000 61,200
391.0 M - 426.99 M 38 96 1,410,000 5,638,000 28,191,000 28,191,000 61,800
427.0 M - 465.99 M 38 98 1,423,000 5,693,000 28,463,000 28,463,000 62,400
466.0 M - 507.99 M 38 100 1,437,000 5,747,000 28,736,000 28,736,000 63,000
508.0 M - 553.99 M 39 101 1,451,000 5,802,000 29,010,000 29,010,000 63,600
554.0 M - 604.99 M 39 103 1,464,000 5,857,000 29,285,000 29,285,000 64,200
605.0 M - 659.99 M 39 105 1,478,000 5,912,000 29,561,000 29,561,000 64,800
660.0 M - 719.99 M 40 106 1,492,000 5,968,000 29,838,000 29,838,000 65,400
720.0 M - 785.99 M 40 108 1,506,000 6,023,000 30,116,000 30,116,000 66,000
786.0 M - 856.99 M 41 109 1,520,000 6,079,000 30,395,000 30,395,000 66,600
857.0 M - 934.99 M 41 111 1,534,000 6,135,000 30,675,000 30,675,000 67,250
935.0 M - 1.01 B 41 113 1,548,000 6,191,000 30,956,000 30,956,000 67,850
1.02 B -
1.10 B
42 114 1,562,000 6,248,000 31,238,000 31,238,000 68,450
1.11 B -
1.20 B
42 116 1,576,000 6,304,000 31,522,000 31,522,000 69,100
1.21 B -
1.32 B
43 118 1,590,000 6,361,000 31,806,000 31,806,000 69,700
1.33 B -
1.44 B
43 119 1,605,000 6,418,000 32,091,000 32,091,000 70,350
1.45 B -
1.57 B
43 121 1,619,000 6,475,000 32,377,000 32,377,000 70,950
1.58 B -
1.71 B
44 122 1,633,000 6,533,000 32,664,000 32,664,000 71,600
1.72 B -
1.87 B
44 124 1,648,000 6,590,000 32,952,000 32,952,000 72,200
1.88 B - 999.99 B 45 126 1,662,000 6,648,000 33,242,000 33,242,000 72,850

Damage Rewards
Biohazard crate single
Trap Disarming Kit NoBG Blue
Rss icon gas
Metal NoBG
Food NoBG
Wood NoBG
Alliance honor
1 - 42.9 M 26 42 983,000 3,933,000 19,663,000 19,663,000 43,100
42.10 M - 84.19 M 28 55 1,079,000 4,317,000 21,583,000 21,853,000 47,300
84.20 M - 125.99 M 31 68 1,178,000 4,713,000 23,566,000 23,566,000 51,650
126.0 M - 167.99 M 33 75 1,238,000 4,951,000 24,756,000 24,756,000 54,250
168.0 M - 210.99 M 34 81 1,281,000 5,123,000 25,614,000 25,614,000 56,150
211.0 M - 229.99 M 35 85 1,314,000 5,257,000 26,287,000 26,287,000 57,600
230.0 M - 251.99 M 35 86 1,328,000 5,312,000 26,559,000 26,559,000 58,200
252.0 M - 274.99 M 36 88 1,342,000 5,367,000 26,833,000 26,833,000 58,800
275.0 M - 300.99 M 36 90 1,355,000 5,421,000 27,107,000 27,107,000 59,400
301.0 M - 328.99 M 36 92 1,369,000 5,476,000 27,382,000 27,382,000 60,000
329.0 M - 359.99 M 37 93 1,383,000 5,532,000 27,659,000 27,659,000 60,600
360.0 M - 393.99 M 37 95 1,397,000 5,587,000 27,936,000 27,936,000 61,250
394.0 M - 430.99 M 38 97 1,411,000 5,643,000 28,215,000 28,215,000 61,850
431.0 M - 471.99 M 38 98 1,425,000 5,699,000 28,494,000 28,494,000 62,450
472.0 M - 515.99 M 38 100 1,439,000 5,755,000 28,775,000 28,775,000 63,050
516.0 M - 563.99 M 39 102 1,453,000 5,811,000 29,057,000 29,057,000 63,700
564.0 M - 616.99 M 39 103 1,467,000 5,868,000 29,340,000 29,340,000 64,300
617.0 M - 674.99 M 40 105 1,481,000 5,925,000 29,624,000 29,624,000 64,900
675.0 M - 737.99 M 40 107 1,495,000 5,982,000 29,909,000 29,909,000 65,550
738.0 M - 806.99 M 40 108 1,510,000 6,039,000 30,195,000 30,195,000 66,200
807.0 M - 882.99 M 41 110 1,524,000 6,096,000 30,482,000 30,482,000 66,800
883.0 M - 965.99 M 41 112 1,539,000 6,154,000 30,770,000 30,770,000 67,450
996.0 M - 1.05 B 42 113 1,553,000 6,212,000 31,059,000 31,059,000 68,050
1.06 B - 1.15 B 42 115 1,567,000 6,270,000 31,350,000 31,350,000 68,700
1.16 B -
1.25 B
42 117 1,582,000 6,328,000 31,641,000 31,641,000 69,350
1.26 B - 1.37 B 43 118 1,597,000 6,387,000 31,934,000 31,934,000 70,000
1.38 B - 1.50 B 43 120 1,611,000 6,445,000 32,227,000 32,227,000 70,650
1.51 B - 1.64 B 44 122 1,626,000 6,504,000 32,522,000 32,522,000 71,300
1.65 B - 1.80 B 44 123 1,641,000 6,564,000 32,818,000 32,818,000 71,900
1.81 B -
1.97 B
44 125 1,656,000 6,623,000 33,115,000 33,115,000 72,550
1.98 B - 2.15 B 45 127 1,671,000 6,683,000 33,413,000 33,413,000 73,250
2.16 B - 2.36 B 45 128 1,686,000 6,742,000 33,712,000 33,712,000 73,900
2.37 B - 2.58 B 46 130 1,701,000 6,802,000 34,012,000 34,012,000 74,550
2.59 B - 2.82 B 46 132 1,716,000 6,863,000 34,313,000 34,313,000 75,200
2.83 B - 3.09 B 46 133 1,731,000 6,923,000 34,615,000 34,615,000 75,850
3.10 B - 3.38 B 47 135 1,748,000 6,984,000 34,918,000 34,918,000 76,550
3.39 B - 3.69 B 47 137 1,761,000 7,045,000 35,233,000 35,233,000 77,200
3.70 B - 4.04 B 48 138 1,776,000 7,106,000 35,528,000 35,528,000 77,850
4.05 B - 4.42 B 48 140 1,792,000 7,167,000 35,835,000 35,835,000 78,550
4.43 B - 999.99 B 49 142 1,807,000 7,228,000 36,142,000 36,142,000 79,200

Extra Notes[]

To maximize the amount of damage you do during your rally on the infected influencer, you can follow some of the tips below.

  • Formation: It is recommended to use more hunters in your formation since they deal with rally damage, second is riders. This is why it is recommended to use 5% Infantry, 25% Riders, and 70 % Hunters.
  • Use all marches you can use. A player can launch one rally at a time while also participating in others. Your own initial rally does not count as a march, which means if you for example have six marches, you may have a total of seven marches going against the infected influencer.
    • Note: Your number of marches is determined by different factors like your VIP level and your research in Research Lab.

Page Credits

Page Creator: Centuries of History
Data Credits: Collector of Clues, Jiji the Malicious, Sealed Book,
Centuries of History & Demon of the Doomed.
Banner: Centuries of History

Good luck Chiefs!

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