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State of Survival Wiki


Research tasks banner

Research Missions are a way to reward the player for doing certain tasks. The reward given for these tasks is a reduced research timer. Once the task is completed your research timer will be reduced. These tasks are repeatable and do reset every 24 hours.

Research tasks are located under "Missions". When you press mission you will get choices in form of tabs. Press Research tasks to get to it.

Missions location

When you have pressed the "Missions" button you will see the following screen. Simply press Research tasks to get to your tasks! Sometimes besides your tasks, you will get a button that says "Go". This will guide you to the location/building from where you can complete that particular task.

Research task screen1

Once you have completed your task you will get the option to use your reduced time on the research stated in the dialog. (The first task, for example, Supply Convoy I would be reduced by 13 Minutes). So make sure to use them wisely, and don't forget to use them before it resets!

Research task screen complete

Tasks and rewards[]

Tasks Example
Alliance Donation
Ally donation task
Alliance Help
Alliance Help Task
Daily Infected
Daily Infected Task
Explorers Trail
Explorer Trail Task
Gather Resources
Gather Food Task
Gather Gas Task
Gather Metal Task
Gather Wood Task
Plunder Resources
Plunder Food
Plunder Gas Task
Plunder Metal Task
Plunder Wood Task
Train Troops Level 8
Train LV8 any Task
Train LV8 Hunter Task
Train LV8 Infantry Task
Train LV8 Rider Task
Train Troops Level 10
Train Lv10 Any Task
Train Lv10 Hunter
Train Lv10 Infantry
Upgrade Hero Skills
Upgrade Hero Skills 3 Task
Upgrade Heroes
Upgrade Heroes 6 Task
Hero Search
Hero search task
Epic Hero Search Task

Task and reward data credits to The Last Nebula, Unstoppable Writer!

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