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State of Survival Wiki
State of Survival Wiki


State Warfare is a State-based event where you compete for points and the Capital. During the Preparation Stage, Chiefs need to complete tasks within a limited time to get points for their State and prepare for the final struggle. During the Warfare Stage, the State that accumulates the most State Points in the three rounds of Cross State Capital Clash will be the winner!

Matching Stage[]

During the Matching Stage, Chiefs can check the event rules, information about the two States, the countdown, and the possible Rewards. The Warfare Stage Timeframe is 10:00-16:00 UTC.

*Note: This includes 2 hours of Free-For-All after the 4 hours of fighting. Pay attention to the event screen for the exact time frame.

Preparation Stage[]

Preparation Stage: Chiefs will need to earn points for their States by completing tasks. You can view task details in the Get Points interface.

Warfare Stage[]

  1. The State with a higher amount of total points in the Preparation Stage becomes the attacker, and its Capital will be temporarily locked.
  2. The Warfare Stage consists of three 1-hour rounds of Cross State Capital Clash and two 30-minute Revival Stages in between. The winner is determined by the total number of points earned in the three rounds. If both States' points are equal and not zero, the defender is declared the winner. If both points are zero, it is considered a draw.
  3. During the Warfare Stage, fight Chiefs from the enemy State to earn points. This includes killing enemy troops and the death of your own troops. The level difference between the attacker's and defender's HQs must be no greater than 3, otherwise neither side will be able to earn points. When rallying or reinforcing, it is calculated by the HQ level of the rally leader or the reinforcement target.
  4. When the Warfare Stage begins, the titles of both States are removed and the Governor Skills are disabled. The leader of the Alliance that finishes 1st in the winning State may appoint the new Governor of the defending State. If the winning State in the Preparation Stage loses during the Warfare Stage, the alliance that won the last Capital Clash can appoint another Governor.
  5. Solo Points can be earned through the following ways. See the building info for details.
    • Killing enemy troops and the death of your own troops within either of the two States.
    • Occupy the Fortified Facilities, Towers, or Capital during the Cross State Capital Clash.
    • Killing enemy troops with Towers (earning 3 times the points of regular kills).
  6. Alliance Points are the sum of the Solo Points of all Alliance members.

Cross State Capital Clash[]

  1. A round of Cross State Capital Clash lasts 1 hour. The two States need to compete for four Fortified Facilities and the Capital to earn State Points and determine the winner of the Warfare Stage.
  2. Once a round of Cross State Capital Clash begins, the Fortified Facilities will be unlocked, followed by the Towers and the Capital in 30 minutes.
  3. After a Tower is occupied by your State, it will start to shell the Capital garrison every minute if the Capital is occupied by the enemy State. Once the battle for the Towers begins, the Giant Cannons will begin to recharge. When the process is complete and the Capital is occupied by the enemy State, the Cannons will fire, dealing massive damage to the Capital garrison.
  4. The final total points of the State, Chief, and Alliance are the sum of the State Points, Solo Points, and Alliance Points earned from the three rounds of Cross State Capital Clash respectively.

Revival Stage[]

  1. After each of the first two rounds of Cross State Capital Clash, a 30-minute Revival Stage will begin.
  2. During the Revival Stage, you can revive dead troops. Those who cannot make it can later be revived during the next Revival Stage within the same Warfare Stage or during the Ending Stage.
  3. All the buildings occupied during the Cross State Capital Clash will become neutral and protected, and the garrison will automatically return to their Settlements. At a certain point, the electrical security system will be activated, forcibly relocating all Settlements within the Alert Zone.
  4. You can still earn Solo Points by killing enemy troops within either of the two States.
  5. You can still relocate your Settlement across States or within the battlefield, but you cannot relocate into the Alert Zone while the electrical security system is active.

Ending Stage[]

When the points competition is over, Participation Rewards and Rank Rewards will be sent via mail. You can revive a certain percentage of troops that died during the Warfare Stage. You have a basic Revival Rate of 30%, plus up to 10% extra Revival Rate. You can request Revival Assistance from allies to increase your Revival Rate. Providing assistance will consume one Revival Voucher. Revival Vouchers cannot be used on your own troops. Chiefs can also purchase Revival Kits to increase their Revival Rate. A Revival kit can increase Revival Rate by 1%. You can use Revival Kits to increase up to an extra 10%. You can only revive troops during the Revival Stage. The number of dead troops will be dictated by the Warfare Stage Battle Reports and Hospital Capacity.


  1. All Governor privileges and effects will be removed before the start of the Cross State Capital Clash. Governor skills such as Prison Shackles and Enforced Eviction cannot be used against the attackers. At the end of Cross State Capital Clash, if your State emerges victorious, the FRIENDLY Alliance with the most points will appoint a new Governor. In contrast, if you are the defender and the Capital is conquered by the enemy State, the ENEMY Alliance with the most points will get the right to appoint a new Governor of your State.
  2. Settlement relocation for Chiefs crossing States is NOT restricted by the enemy's Alliance Territory.
  3. For battles between Chiefs crossing States, Alliance Territory bonuses do NOT take effect.
  4. Chiefs cannot attack Alliance Buildings in the enemy State.
  5. A Tower only attacks the Capital garrison if the Alliances occupying it and the Capital are from different States.

Collecting Points During SVS[]

Note: the rewards may vary based on State Age

SVS Prep Stage

Note: Use of Furnace to obtain points for maxed out materials
Note: Points and Tasks may differ on State Age
Note: click the different stages to open the Points for that Stage

Mm-decoration 6 Stage 1 Mm-decoration 6
Task Use Crystal Splinter Upgrade Chief Gear Badges by 1 Consume Plasma x1 Use Construction Speedups
Use Research Speedups
Use Training Speedups
Spend 1 Flawless Pearl
Crystal splinter image
Badge tag no bg

Mercenary influence
Plasma Core no bg
Construction speed up no bg
Research speedup no bg
Training speedup no bg
Festive pearl
Points 4,000 70 2,000 30 30 30 400
Mm-decoration 6 Stage 2 Mm-decoration 6
Task Use Command Manual x1 Use Service Badge x1 Use Tactical Guide x1 Make 1 spin at Ray's Place Use Treasure Capsule Use Vehicle Parts
Item commandManual
Items Hero Appointment Service Badge
Tactical guide
Ray's place
Treasure Capsule with no background
Vehicle Parts
Points 600 30,000 600 12,000 2,000 *See additional table
Task Use Completion Capsule Use Construction Speedup Use Troop Training Speedup Use Research Speedup Gather Resources Use 1 Plasma Core
Construction speed up no bg
Training speedup no bg
Research speedup no bg
Resource crate resource chest
Plasma Core no bg
Points 3,040 30 30 30 *See Resource Table 2,000

Fragment Type Legendary Vehicle Fragment Epic Vehicle Fragment
Points 3,000 500

Resource Type Food Wood Metal Gas
Points 2 per every 1,000 2 per every 1,000 2 per every 200 2 per every 50

Mm-decoration 6 Stage 3 Mm-decoration 6
Task Use Serum (small) Use Behemoth MK I Fragment Use Behemoth MK II Fragment Use Biobattery Use Service Badge Use Tactical Guide
Small serum edit final
Behemoth cells icon
Behemoth MK II Cell no bg
Bio battery no background
Items Hero Appointment Service Badge
Tactical guide

Points 300 2,500 2,500 1,000 30,000 600
Task Use Carbon Fiber Panel Use Super Alloy Use Special Coating Use Vehicle Fragment Use Advanced Aluminum Alloy Use Stealth Coating
Carbon fiber
Superalloy - no BG
Special Coating NoBG
Vehicle Parts
Advanced Aluminium Alloy no bg
Stealth Coating no bg
Points 1,000 100 1,000 *See additional table 300 1,000
Tasks Make 1 spin in Ray's Place Use Completion Capsule Use Command Manual Use Specialized Steel Use Enhancement Module Use Refine Fuel
Ray's place
Item commandManual
Specialized Steel
Enhancement Mod
Points 12,000 3,040 600 50,000 2,500 300
Tasks Upgrade Chief Badges by 1 Use Upgrade Chips Train or Upgrade Troops Use Titanium Alloy
Mercenary influence

Badge tag no bg
Upgrade Chip
Training speedup no bg
Titanium Alloy NoBG
Points 70 1,000 *See Troop Training Table 200

Fragment Type Legendary Vehicle Fragment Epic Vehicle Fragment Use Vehicle Part
Points 3,000 500 5,000

Note: Upgrading troops will award you the difference is level points.

Troop Level Points
1 3
2 4
3 5
4 8
5 12
6 18
7 25
8 35
9 45
10 60
11 75
12 90
Mm-decoration 6 Stage 4 Mm-decoration 6
Task Use Serum (small) Use Behemoth MK I Fragment Use Behemoth MK II Fragment Use Biobattery Use Service Badge Use Tactical Guide Use Titanium Alloy
Small serum edit final
Behemoth cells icon
Behemoth MK II Cell no bg
Bio battery no background
Items Hero Appointment Service Badge
Tactical guide
Titanium Alloy NoBG
Points 300 2,500 2,500 1,000 30,000 600 200
Task Use Carbon Fiber Panel Use Super Alloy Use Special Coating Use Advanced Aluminum Alloy Use Stealth Coating Use Specialized Steel Use Enhancement Module
Carbon fiber
Superalloy - no BG
Special Coating NoBG
Advanced Aluminium Alloy no bg
Stealth Coating no bg
Specialized Steel
Enhancement Module nbg (1)
Points 1,000 100 1,000 300 1,000 50,000 300
Tasks Upgrade Chief Gear Badges by 1 Upgrade Troop Gear Kill Infected Use Refined Fuel Use Upgrade Chip
Mercenary influence

Badge tag no bg
Hero gear parts

Hero gear design
PicWish 1672313907842
Upgrade Chip
Points 70 *See Troop Gear Table *See Infected Table 300 1,000

Hero Gear Parts Hero Gear Design
Hero gear parts
Hero gear design
Points 30 2,700

Note: Any infected killed via intel will gain you 12000 point

Note: All infected Fiends are worth 24000 points

Infected Level Points
1-10 9,000
11-15 9,750
16-20 10,500
21-25 11,250
26-30 12,000

Warfare Stage

Mm-decoration 6Facility Rewards
Facility Points
Facility 1 1,200/min
Facility 2 900/min
Facility 3 900/min
Facility 4 600/min
Capital 4,200/min

Free For All

Note: These are all solo points Note: You can only collect points for HQ +/-3 if your own

Mm-decoration 6Kill Rewards
Troop Level Points
Level 1 1
Level 2 1
Level 3 2
Level 4 3
Level 5 4
Level 6 5
Level 7 7
Level 8 9
Level 9 11
Level 10 13
Level 11 15
Level 12 17

Old State Warfare[]


The State Warfare is a PvP event that occurs every 4 weeks. During this event, players have the chance to compete for points and the Capital against other states. The event has 4 different stages: Matching Stage, Preparation Stage, Cross State Fighting, Revival Stage. Once a state reaches 14 weeks old, it will qualify for the State Warfare. However, it is possible that a state reaches this age and skips this event because of lacking enemy states in the matchmaking pool. Another possibility is that a state will compete against the same state more than once.

Matching Stage[]

Matching Stage last 3 days. During the last 24 hours each state will discover its opposing state and the scout option will become avaiable giving players of both states the chance to scout the enemy state to gather information.

Preparation Stage[]

Preparation Stage last 5 days and chiefs will compete to obtain points by completing tasks during each day. Every stage last 24 hours except day 5 that will last for 32 hours and 45 minutes. At the end of the Preparation Stage the state with the highest score will become the winner of this Stage. Winner state will be the one with the highest overall score at the end of the preparation stage and NOT the state that won more stages.
The tasks to complete are listed below:

Day 1[]

Day 2[]

  • Join Ray's Place
  • Use Hero Fragments
  • Use Plasma Cores
  • Use speedups on construction, research and training (morale speedups excluded)
  • Gather wilderness resources
  • Earn points by making progress in the Hero Appointment feature

Day 3[]

Day 4[]

Day 5[]

Cross State Fighting[]

During this fight the winner state of preparation stage will invade the other state to fight at the Capital and they will be able to cross from 8.45 UTC until the end of the event at 19 UTC. Players from the state that lost preparation stage are allowed to cross until Capital Clash starts at 10 UTC and from 18 UTC to 19 UTC. If the losing team from preparation stage are still in enemy state when Capital Clash opens, they are still able to move back to original state, however, they won't be able to invade again until 18utc.. In the rare case that Capital Clash will end early (check below how), the defeated state in Preparation Stage will be able to cross and invade the other state before 18 UTC. Capital Clash last 8 hours and the winning alliance is the one that holds the Capital for 4 hours in total or the alliance that has the longest occupancy at the end of the event. If an alliance is able to hold the Capital for 4 hours straight without losing it once, the Capital will automatically close and they will be the winners. Capital Honor and Governor Skills will be invalid during the Cross State Fighting.

Red Zone[]

Like normal Capital Clash, the Capital is surrounded by the Red Zone that will activate at 9 UTC. Inside this zone players can't shield their settlements so it HIGHLY recommended to be online or you can be attacked by enemies.

Possible Outcomes[]

  • Win Preparation Stage and Win CC: Govenor buffs will be boosted to 15%, a new lethality buff will be added to the state-wide buffs andGovernor packs will be doubled. Alliance with the longest occupancy will be the winner. The winning alliance R5 can choose the new Governor within 2 hours after winning, or it defaults to the R5.
  • Win Preparation Stage but Lose CC: Previous Governor will be the Governor until next Capital Clash.
  • Lose Preparation Stage but Win CC: The alliance with the longest occupancy will be the winner. Governor buffs will be increased. The winning alliance R5 can pick the new Governor within 2 hours after winning, or it defaults to the R5.
  • Lose Preparation Stage and Lose CC: There won't be a Governor for 2 weeks.

How to obtain points[]

  • Occupy Capital or Capital Towers with 100 troops power for 60 seconds
  • Kill or heavily wound troops
  • Lose troops

Points can only earned by killing or wounding troops of opponent State Chiefs with 3 HQ level differences and below. For Rally and Reinforcement, the HQ level differences will be calculated between Rally and Reinforcement Leaders. Points earned via dead and wounded troops in the Capital and Capital Towers are increased by 3 times.


SvS Chart Points


Day 1:
Day 1 Rewards
Day 2:
Day 2 Rewards
Day 3:
Day 3 Rewards
Day 4:
Day 4 Rewards
Day 5:
Day 5 Rewards
State Warfare:
State Warfare Rewards

Return to Alliance Events

Page Credits

Page Creator: Dragonspire Stronghold
Data Credits: Anima Queen of Souls, Warfare Boss, Ivy the Poisonous, Submerged Statue, Collector of Clues,
Myra's Bounty, Emma the Energetic
