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The Holy Wrath11


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"Verily, verily I say unto you, the children of the abyss will awaken. The ignorant ones, the slaves to the flesh, and the depraved of heart will beckon a new kingdom of perdition. Only the Holy Wrath can cleanse these vessels of corruption, baptizing the soul with sacred fire. Make haste! He who has ears, let him hear—for the time is short and the Master draws close."

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The Wrath have taken advantage of people's vulnerability after the disaster and provoke them into doing all kinds of ghastly deeds. Among these acts of infamy, 'fire purification' is a ceremony representing the darkest glories of the Holy Wrath's brainwashing. They believe that those burned to death are souls tainted by sin which need to be 'cleansed' by the sanctifying fire.

Name Description
Flyer 2
Research Reports 1
Part of the report that Sarge wrote to the Chief. "The Holy Wrath frequently organizes incomprehensible ceremonies. These rituals are full of blood and pain, but they enjoy them."
Flyer 2
Research Reports 2
Part of the report that Sarge wrote to the Chief. "The Wrath will instigate originally kindhearted people to burn their pets and, eventually, even their family members. These brainwashed individuals have completely lost the ability to think independently."
Audio 2
It's seems to be the audio left by the Wrath: "They have been contaminated by darkness, only the flames can purify their souls, redemption, redemption, redemption..."
Thank-you Letter
Thank-you Letter
To the Final Hope: Thank you for saving me from the Wrath.
White powder
White Powder
Some unidentified white powder was found at the scene, the Wrath seemed to use it to control their followers.

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A certain deacon of the Wrath, whose code is "B," is both cruel and gluttonous. During periods of famine, people are often convinced to do inhuman things.

Name Description
Animal Bones Daily Maverick
Bone Shards
In the Wrath's stronghold, some scorched bones were found. After examining them closely, Rusty vomited in disgust.
List of Supplies Hope of Healing
Report on "B" 1
Part of the report that Sarge wrote to the Chief. "There is a Deacon in the Wrath, code-named B. He loves to eat meat."
List of Supplies Hope of Healing
Report on "B" 2
Part of the report that Sarge wrote to the Chief. "Deacon B is calculating and cruel, without any moral sense or empathy. He has profoundly antisocial personality."
White powder
White Powder
It shows that this is lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), a substance which affects the human nerve center and can momentarily turn people into lunatics. The Wrath use it to control their followers.
Notebook Daily Maverick
Crumpled Pages of Wrath Books
Those enslaved to ordinary food are contemptible mortals; however, those whose souls have been made holy, these do not concern themselves with the external form of food. --Article 280 The Sage's Instruction

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A certain deacon of the Wrath, whose codename is "B", sprays the crowd with special potions. People lose their minds and turn into beasts if they inhale these concoctions. The Wrath calls those in this state "Berserkers." Berserkers are frantic, irritable, and superhumanly strong. And they're fearless, even when facing the Infected. They've brought a lot of trouble to the rescue operations of the Final Hope.

Name Description
White powder
White Powder
The Wrath believers are stained with white powder, which seems to be the cause of their insanity.
Food story
The food in the kitchen is stained with white powder.
List of Supplies Hope of Healing
Report on "F" 1
Part of the report that Sarge wrote to the Chief. "Deacon B is impulsive and irritable, and will punish followers who do not submit themselves completely to his tasks."
Notebook Daily Maverick
Torn Pages from Wrath Books
Man, being born as a sinful beast, returns to his origin to undo a wretched birth, purifying his soul through fire; --Article 175 Sage's Instruction.
List of Supplies Hope of Healing
Report on "F" 2
Part of the report that Sarge wrote to the Chief. "Deacon B is good at clandestinely spraying medicine into the crowd. In this way, he quickly transforms followers into unquestioning soldiers who obey him unquestioningly."

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When the Outbreak happened, the priests trembled and prayed, "God, are these the demons that the scriptures speak of?" What the priests did not see were the real demons: those humans who the apocalypse revealed... the desperate, the easily swayed, and the ruthless.

Name Description
Animal Bones Daily Maverick
Scorched Bone
A scorched bone, judging from its thickness, the femur of an adult man.
Notebook Daily Maverick
Diary Page
"...Ah, my son, send me into the flames, purify my body for the sake of my soul's renewal!"
Note Daily Maverick
Book Page
The pages of Wrath Books, which have been crumpled by Rusty, and the original text can no longer be read.
Gasoline Tank 2
Gasoline Tank
An emptied gasoline can, the Wrath use gasoline as sacred fuel for their ceremonies.
A necklace with religious ornaments. It was thrown on the church floor.

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Page Credits

Page Creator: EmissaryofGifts
Data Credits: Collector of Clues, Bearer of Swords and Sinister Shade
Images Credits: Centuries of History and Sinister Shade
Page Updater: Sinister Shade
