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Value vouchers event banner

"It's Legendary Hero Time!"

Value Vouchers is a three-day event that takes place every Sunday. During the event, complete tasks to get Vouchers. These Vouchers can then be exchanged for rewards, including Completion Potions, Completion Lucky Capsules, Deluxe Hero Crates and Legendary Hero Fragments!

Value voucher event emblem 2Voucher Tasks []

There are two types of tasks available to be completed:

  • Bundles
  • Biocaps
Value voucher tasks screen

Value voucher event emblem 2Bundles Task


Value voucher bundle task

You can obtain Vouchers by purchasing Voucher Bundles. There are five bundles available for purchase each week.

Note: Bundles become available in sequence. (You must purchase bundle #1 in order to purchase bundle #2 and so forth)

Note: In order to maximize the hero to general, you would need to purchase four of these bundles to receive 1,200 fragments. Alternatively, you can use General Hero Fragments to finish maximizing the hero.

Example of Bundle #1:

Lori value voucher bundle
Disclaimer: Bundle prices and contents are subject to change without notice.

Value voucher event emblem 2Biocaps Task


Value voucher biocap task

This task requires you to use 150 Biocaps to purchase 1 Voucher. There is a limit of purchasing 100 vouchers with biocaps.

Value voucher exchange

Note: This task does not reset daily.

Value voucher event emblem 2Voucher Store []

Value voucher store gen13

This is where you will be able to exchange your vouchers for rewards. The redeem rate for the hero fragments will vary depending on your states current legendary hero generation. The vouchers will appear differently depending on this.

Value vouchers previous store

Note: The vouchers can only be exchanged during the three days of this event. Afterwards, they will be stored in your backpack until the next Value Voucher Event occurs and labelled "Previous Vouchers". These "Previous Vouchers" can only be used in the "Previous Rewards" section which corresponds with the hero's available at the time the vouchers were available.

Note: Unclaimed Rewards will be sent to reward stash when the task ends.

Value voucher event emblem 2 Charts []

Value voucher guide chart

Value voucher guide chart 2

Value voucher event emblem 2 See Also []

Credits: Arabella of Sunsets, Igniter of Flames, Stormrage
